duminică, 15 februarie 2009

The wind was blowing from somewhere in the distance...It carried with it a faint fragrant smell of a wonderful memory...I'll still, sometimes, catch the scent of you.and I think if I just turn around, I'll see your crooked smile. But I know You're trying to surprise me, startle me, make me jump, just so You can hug me calm.You'll laugh and say how easy I am before you hold me and run your hands up and down my tingling spine. All the while your eyes are filledwith the teasing question of a kiss and more. And everything, everything, will be alright if you just make me a prisoner of your arms, because, in them, I feel like I've never been held before, never been needed before, that I'm being crushed with your love.You become the perfumed air i inhale, my life's breath. I need you to breath me in the same scented way. Then, your fragrance fades. But I don't turn around because, as long as I don't, You'll still be there.

joi, 12 februarie 2009


Pierduta in simturi...Asa ma aflu acum, in cautarea unei paturi calde si protectoare pe care doresti sa o infasori in jurul trupului tau intr-o zi racoroasa. Am regasit aceasta placere de a simti in frumusetea unui parfum, Secret Obsession by CK. Acesta imi evoca amintiri dintr-o perioada fericita a vietii mele. Gasesc in amestecul de nucsoara, santal, flori de portocal si ambra arsa o stare de confort,dar si o vraja spusa in soapta pentru a invoca memoria unei seri de februarie.

Aromele orientale ofera aerul misterios al unei nopti undeva intre dragoste si nebunie. O esenta senzuala si speciala, care ne poate incalzi, ne poate oferi incredere, ne poate imbunatati starea de spirit, ne poate intoarce in timp sau ne poate duce in locuri unde am fost sau unde nu am fost vreodata. Parfumurile reprezinta pentru mine o "masina a timpului", un medic pentru sufletele ranite sau o particica din magie.